Tag: Blogger

Yonge and Dundas Square

The last in a “Where To” series of posts showcasing the neighbourhood around the CF Eaton Centre pedestrian bridge. This post focuses on Yonge Dundas Square.

TEMBO – Mother of Elephants

The second in a “Where To” series about public art installations in the Financial District of Toronto. This piece focuses on Tembo, located in the Commerce Court Courtyard.

The Easiest 6-step Edit – Ever!

The second in a 2-part series on my Financial District Perspective shot. This piece outlines my editing process.

10 Step Flatiron Mural Edit

The 3rd in my “How To” series about the creation of my Flatiron Mural Lens Ball shot. This one focuses on the final edits.

Berczy Park

The second in a “Where To” series showcasing the neighbourhood around the Flatiron Mural in Toronto. This post focuses on Berczy Park.

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