Tag: Tutorials

A Streetcar to be Desired

The first in a new “How To” series of blogs on the creation of a long exposure colour splash image using the CF Eaton Centre Pedestrian Bridge as the setting.

East End Edit

The second bonus “How To” blog dealing with a new Skywalk shot. This post outlines the global edits made in Lightroom and Photoshop.

An Added Bonus

The first in a bonus How To series on the creation of a second Skywalk shot.

Skywalk – Using the Force to Edit

The third in a How To series dealing with my Skywalk image. this post outlines my Lightroom editing process for the shot.

Skywalk – The Mirror Image

The second in a series of “How To” posts dealing with the creation of my Skywalk image. This blog focuses on using Photoshop to create a mirror image.

Blog at WordPress.com.